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Women's Empowerment School

Aug 5, 2019

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, a power RESET may be in order. What steps can you take to get rid of what’s not serving you, design an environment that supports you, and ultimately, reclaim your power?

Diane Halfman is the founder of Spa Life, a venture designed to help high-achieving women entrepreneurs and corporate leaders move from a life of emergency to emergence. Her work as a speaker, mentor and organizational expert supports clients in eliminating overwhelm, and Diane is passionate about helping people create the ultimate personal spaces—physically, emotionally and spiritually. She also serves as the host of the Live Your Spa Life Podcast.

Today, Diane joins Sylvia to share her journey from undercover cop to entrepreneur, explaining how she reframes detours as a ‘dare to do something different.’ She makes the distinction between knowledge built over time and knowing in the moment and inspires us to unlock overwhelm with decisiveness. Diane also weighs in on why environment trumps willpower, describing how to create an inspiring environment in the home and an empowering corporate culture at work. Listen in to understand why we need support to see the big picture and learn Diane’s five moves to RESET your power!

Topics Covered

Diane’s journey from undercover cop to entrepreneur

How Diane reframes detours as a dare to dazzle

How the act of making a decision unlocks overwhelm

Knowledge over time vs. knowing in the moment

Diane’s insight on how environment trumps willpower

Creating an environment that inspires and empowers

Facilitating real change through corporate culture

Diane’s 5 moves to RESET your power

  1. Remove
  2. Evaluate
  3. System
  4. Experience
  5. Track & Maintain

The value of asking for support to see the big picture

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Live Your Spa Life Podcast

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RESET Your Power Free Gift

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